
This button lets users show or hide columns in a Datagrid. It must be used in conjunction with <DatagridConfigurable>.


Add the <SelectColumnsButton> component to the <List actions> prop:

import {
} from "react-admin";

const PostListActions = () => (
        <SelectColumnsButton />

const PostList = () => (
    <List actions={<PostListActions />}>
            <TextField source="id" />
            <TextField source="title" />
            <TextField source="author" />
            <TextField source="year" />

Note: <SelectColumnsButton> doesn’t work with <Datagrid> - you must use <DatagridConfigurable> instead.

If you want to add the <SelectColumnsButton> to the usual List Actions, use the following snippet:

const ListActions = () => (
        <SelectColumnsButton />
        <FilterButton />
        <CreateButton />
        <ExportButton />


If you include <SelectColumnsButton> in a page that has more than one <DatagridConfigurable> (e.g. in a dasboard), you have to link the two components by giving them the same preferenceKey:

const BookListActions = () => (
        <SelectColumnsButton preferenceKey="books.datagrid" />

const BookList = () => (
    <List actions={<BookListActions />}>
        <DatagridConfigurable preferenceKey="books.datagrid">
            <TextField source="id" />
            <TextField source="title" />
            <TextField source="author" />
            <TextField source="year" />

Adding a label to unlabeled columns

The inspector used by <SelectColumnsButton> uses the field’s source (or label when it’s a string) prop to display the column name. If you use non-field children (e.g. action buttons), then it’s your responsibility to wrap them in a component with a label prop, that will be used by the inspector. You can use a <WrapperField> for that purpose:

const PostList = () => (
            <TextField source="id" />
            <TextField source="title" />
            <TextField source="author" />
            <TextField source="year" />
            <WrapperField label="Actions">
                <EditButton />

Tip: You may need to clear your local storage to reflect the changes, as react-admin saves the computed column names in the Store. For the same reason, your users may need to log out and in again to see the changes. Alternatively, you can leverage Store Invalidation to do it automatically.