
Use the useGetLocksLive hook to get the locks in real time. This Enterprise Edition hook calls dataProvider.getLocks() for the current resource on mount, and subscribes to live updates on the lock/[resource] topic.

This means that if a lock is acquired or released by another user while the current user is on the page, the return value will be updated.


import { List, useRecordContext } from 'react-admin';
import LockIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Lock';
import { useGetLocksLive } from '@react-admin/ra-realtime';

const LockField = ({ locks }) => {
    const record = useRecordContext();
    if (!record) return null;
    const lock = locks?.find(lock => lock.recordId === record?.id);
    if (!lock) return <Box sx={{ width: 20 }} />;
    return <LockIcon fontSize="small" color="disabled" />;

const PostList = () => {
    const { data: locks } = useGetLocksLive();
    return (
                <TextField source="title" />
                <LockField locks={locks} />

useGetLocksLive reads the current resource from the ResourceContext. You can provide it explicitly if you are not in such a context:

const { data: locks } = useGetLocksLive('posts');