Optimizing AI for Qwant: From Prototype to Production

Marmelab partnered with Qwant to transform a promising AI prototype into a robust, production-ready agent. Discover how our expertise in AI evaluation and agile methodologies ensured a seamless and efficient deployment.

François Zaninotto
François ZaninottoJuly 08, 2024
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Latest posts by François Zaninotto

Marmelab founder and CEO, passionate about web technologies, agile, sustainability, leadership, and open-source. Lead developer of react-admin, founder of GreenFrame.io, and regular speaker at tech conferences.

Introducing React-Admin V5

After 6 months of hard work, the new major version of React-admin is here!

François Zaninotto
François ZaninottoJune 20, 2024

Highlight Search Terms In Page Content

Leverage the CSS Custom Highlight API to highlight words within a larger body of text. This technique is compatible with all JS frameworks.

François Zaninotto
François ZaninottoApril 23, 2024

React Admin March 2024 Update

AG Grid, Versioning, Date inputs, improved providers, new themes, a new demo, Daisy UI, Cognito... and a YouTube channel!

Gildas GarciaFrançois Zaninotto

New client-side hooks coming to React 19

Data fetching and form handling are about to get easier in React, and not just in SSR apps.

François Zaninotto
François ZaninottoJanuary 23, 2024

Documentation: The Key Enabler For Open-Source Success

Why investing in documentation pays off, and how to write great documentation, based on our experience with react-admin.

François Zaninotto
François ZaninottoJanuary 10, 2024

Selling Open-Source Products Requires Sales & Marketing Skills

In our journey to monetize a popular open-source project, we realized that mere engineering skills weren't sufficient. Acquiring sales and marketing expertise was essential to make our project profitable.

Jérémie GrosseteteFrançois Zaninotto

From Open-Source Project to Marketable Product

How can you sell something that is free? We explain how we turned react-admin, a popular open-source project, into a profitable product.

Jérémie GrosseteteFrançois Zaninotto

Anatomy Of A Profitable Open-Source Project

We open the books of react-admin, a profitable open-source project generating almost €1M in revenue. We hope this will assist other open-source developers in building their businesses.

Jérémie GrosseteteFrançois Zaninotto

Turning Open-Source Into Profit: Our Journey

We’ve generated almost €1M with react-admin, an open-source developer tool. How did we do it? Here is our story, and it’s open-source, too.

Jérémie GrosseteteFrançois Zaninotto

Milestones: The Secret Trick To Better Dependency Management

Milestones link code changes directly to specific release versions, boosting project clarity.

François Zaninotto
François ZaninottoOctober 26, 2023

Older posts


React Admin June 2023 Update

June 13, 2023 by François Zaninotto

React Without useEffect

February 01, 2023 by François Zaninotto

useAsyncEffect: The Missing React Hook

January 11, 2023 by François Zaninotto


Multi-Tenant Single-Page Apps: Dos and Don'ts

December 14, 2022 by François Zaninotto

GreenFrame Is Open-Source

November 09, 2022 by François Zaninotto

Niji & GreenFrame, exemple d'un partenariat réussi

React Admin September 2022 Update

September 05, 2022 by François Zaninotto

Introducing React-admin V4

April 13, 2022 by François Zaninotto

React-admin V4: Switching Form Library

April 12, 2022 by François Zaninotto

React-admin V4: Build Your Own Framework

April 11, 2022 by François Zaninotto

React-admin V4: Goodbye, Redux!

April 08, 2022 by François Zaninotto

React-admin V4: Persistent Preferences

April 05, 2022 by François Zaninotto

React-admin V4: No More Props Injection

March 30, 2022 by François Zaninotto

Why You Should Upgrade To Material-UI V5

February 27, 2022 by François Zaninotto

How We Write For The Web

February 10, 2022 by François Zaninotto


We've sold 10,000$ Worth Of Ether And Donated It All To Charities

November 26, 2021 by François Zaninotto

Vers la sobriété numérique, la conférence

November 18, 2021 by François Zaninotto

Towards Digital Sustainability, A Keynote

June 29, 2021 by François Zaninotto

Introducing Atomic CRM, A New React-Admin Demo

May 06, 2021 by François Zaninotto

GreenFrame.io: What is the carbon footprint of a web page?

April 08, 2021 by François Zaninotto

React-Admin April 2021 Update

April 07, 2021 by François Zaninotto

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Pascal

January 06, 2021 by François Zaninotto


Sunsetting PHP Faker

October 21, 2020 by François Zaninotto

React Admin October 2020 Update

October 07, 2020 by François Zaninotto

Developers Can Save The Planet, Part II: The Solution

September 22, 2020 by François Zaninotto

Developers Can Save The Planet, Part I: The Problem

September 21, 2020 by François Zaninotto

Marmelab recrute en télétravail

April 28, 2020 by François Zaninotto


React Admin v3.1: Make Your Own Admin

December 18, 2019 by François Zaninotto

React Admin v3: Zoom in the UI Changes

October 15, 2019 by François Zaninotto

React Admin v3: Zoom in the Data Layer

October 14, 2019 by François Zaninotto

React Admin v3: Zoom in the Styling Layer

October 10, 2019 by François Zaninotto

React Admin v3: Zoom in the i18n Layer

October 10, 2019 by François Zaninotto

React Admin v3: Zoom in the Authentication Layer

October 09, 2019 by François Zaninotto

React Has Built-In Dependency Injection

March 13, 2019 by François Zaninotto


Vous aimez les legos ? React est fait pour vous !

November 22, 2018 by François Zaninotto

React-admin 2.2 Is Out With Export, Clone, And More

August 16, 2018 by François Zaninotto

React-admin 2.1 Is Out

July 02, 2018 by François Zaninotto


Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Adrien

October 24, 2017 by François Zaninotto

New Website Design

September 22, 2017 by François Zaninotto

Admin-on-rest 1.3: Summer Changes

September 14, 2017 by François Zaninotto

Dive Into GraphQL

September 03, 2017 by François Zaninotto

Introducing Json GraphQL Server

July 12, 2017 by François Zaninotto

Admin-on-rest 1.1 and 1.2: Focus On The New Features

June 29, 2017 by François Zaninotto

Admin-on-rest 1.0 Stable is out

April 26, 2017 by François Zaninotto

admin-on-rest 0.9 is out

March 10, 2017 by François Zaninotto

admin-on-rest: Meet the demo

February 22, 2017 by François Zaninotto

admin-on-rest 0.8 is out

February 14, 2017 by François Zaninotto

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Maxime

February 09, 2017 by François Zaninotto

React is Slow, React is Fast: Optimizing React Apps in Practice

February 06, 2017 by François Zaninotto

admin-on-rest 0.7 is out

January 13, 2017 by François Zaninotto


admin-on-rest 0.5 is out

November 10, 2016 by François Zaninotto

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Julien

November 04, 2016 by François Zaninotto

Using Saga To Accumulate And Deduplicate Redux Actions

October 18, 2016 by François Zaninotto

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Florian

September 07, 2016 by François Zaninotto

Introducing admin-on-rest, the React Admin GUI for REST APIs

September 02, 2016 by François Zaninotto

Self-Documented Makefile

February 29, 2016 by François Zaninotto

Lean Startup, day 11: The Demo

February 16, 2016 by François Zaninotto

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Kevin

January 28, 2016 by François Zaninotto

Lean Startup Adventure, day 2: The Idea

January 15, 2016 by François Zaninotto


ng-admin: Meet the new demo

September 04, 2015 by François Zaninotto

ng-admin 0.8 Is Out!

August 26, 2015 by François Zaninotto

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Yann

March 03, 2015 by François Zaninotto

Ng-admin 0.6: Adding Support for Custom Types

February 25, 2015 by François Zaninotto